Day 28: Write about loving someone
I am scared to love
I am scared to be weak
Love is scary and unpredictable
people disappoint
and never reach my expectations
and I
am insecure
So put all together
Loving someone is scary
and difficult
and never truly possible
it is still worth it
I figure, I guess, I hope
because life is so empty without love
and an empty life is not worth living
Day 29: Goals for the future
Material: get an internship, maintain a 4.0gpa, not lose my mind, publish a book
Immaterial: be happy, be content, be close to God
Day 30: What do I feel when I write
I feel like the truest form of myself
I feel raw and unfiltered
as though, I am incapable of lying
when I put pen to paper (or hand to touchscreen nowadays)
I feel empty of the baggage I carry around
I feel full with a conviction
that comes with seeing
my truth laid out in front of me
I may probably never go to the places I want to go with writing
But I doubt I will ever stop
Writing is to essential for my survival
and my sanity
So even as the curtains close and the sun sets
I will continue to write.