Day 4: Places you want to visit
Faraway lands that I've read about in books
and seen in movies
like the studio ghibli museum in Tokyo
or hobbiton in New Zealand
or a little village somewhere in Europe
I want to travel
anywhere and everywhere
and I have already traveled some ways
The world is too big
to be stuck in the same place forever
as I have realized,
in the same way,
it is too big to keep on chasing round the clock in
search of a place
I can be content
the little street you grew up on
with the yellow house in the middle
and its faded roof
is enough
Day 5: My parents
I see myself in them or
I see them in me
and I think about them a lot
about knowing them,
as people though, not as my parents
I wonder if we would have been friends
if we had all been young
at the same time
if we would have had the same strong opinions
and had intelligent conversations deep into the night
I wonder if they still have those
strong opinions
But don't voice them over
the parental barrier that exists between us
But I still hope
Soon enough,
we'll sit down
and we'll talk,
talk about the things I've been scared to talk to them
talk about the things they've hidden away from me,
just talk
Day 6: Single and Happy
The title is pretty self explanatory. It explains what I would like to be, or the level of maturity I am striving to reach. The honest truth is that am single, but only slightly happy, and I doubt that the two characteristics are mutually exclusive. I wish they were though. I wish my happiness wasn't, to a certain degree, dependent on someone loving me or desiring me. I wish I didn't wish to be loved, in that way. But I do. And it makes me feel weak. I should be enough for myself. It's just convincing my mind of that fact is quite difficult.
Wonderfully written